Czasem w sprawach najważniejszych możemy jedynie się podpisać, aby zadeklarować swoje poglądy, aby coś zrobić. Do tego właśnie dziś zachęcam Was wszystkich.

Zgromadzenie Ogólne Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych ponownie podejmuje dyskusje nad zagadnieniami klonowania człowieka. W ubiegłym roku Kostaryka przedstawiła rezolucję w myśl której byłyby zakazane wszelkie formy klonowania człowieka oraz badania w tym kierunku. Ale w listopadzie 2003 podczas głosowania zdecydowano (stosunkiem głosów 80 do 79!) o przesunięciu dyskusji na termin późniejszy. We wrześniu bieżącego roku zostanie ona ponownie podjęta na forum ONZ.

The World Youth Alliance jako organizacja propagująca nową kulturę życia oraz wspierająca wszelkie inicjatywy mające za cal ochronę życia ludzkiego pragnie swoimi działaniami wspierać rezolucję kostarykańską. Przy współpracy z ambasadorami różnych państw popierającymi tą rezolucję opracowano strategię w myśl której, przy współpracy regionalnych biur WYA w Europie, Ameryce Północnej, Afryce, Ameryce łacińskiej oraz w regionie Azji i Pacyfiku, dotrze się do 72 krajów aby zebrać podpisy poparcia pod rzeczoną rezolucją. Następnie te listy poparcie przesłane zostaną do Ministrów Spraw Zagranicznych poszczególnych krajów, którzy będą mieli możliwość dyskusji i głosowania na forum ONZ.

W Lublinie podpisy można składać 3 sierpnia na Placu przed Archikatedrą, podczas wyjścia Pielgrzymki (od 8.30), a potem, do 8 sierpnia, w Centrum Duszpasterstwa Młodzieży – przy kościele Ducha Świętego (w godz. 10.00-18.00).

Poniżej znajdziesz tekst rezolucji, proponowanej przez Kostarykę.

Misión Permanente de Costa Rica ante las Naciones Unidas

211 E. 43rd Street, Room 903, New York, NY 10017. Tel: (212) 986-6373 Fax: (212) 986-6842

Draft resolution
International convention against human cloning
To be introduced to the 59th Session of the General Assembly
The General Assembly,

Recalling the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights, adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on 11 November 1997, and in particular article 11 thereof, which states that practices which are contrary to human dignity, such as the reproductive cloning of human beings, shall not be permitted,

Recalling also its resolution 53/152 of 9 December 1998, by which it endorsed the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights,

Bearing in mind Commission on Human Rights resolution 2003/69 of 25 April 2003, entitled “Human rights and bioethics”, adopted at the fifty-ninth session of the Commission,

Bearing also in mind ECOSOC resolution 2001/39, entitled “Genetic privacy and non discrimination” of 26 July 2001,

Aware of the rapid development of the life sciences and of ethical concerns raised by certain of their applications with regard to the dignity of the human race and the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the individual,
Concerned at recently disclosed information on research into and attempts at the creation of human beings through cloning processes,

Convinced that the human cloning, for any purpose whatsoever, is unethical, morally reproachable, contrary to due respect for the human person and that it cannot be justified or accepted,

Recalling also that the recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

Seeking to promote scientific and technical progress in the fields of biology and genetics in a manner respectful of human rights and for the benefit of all,

Concerned about the serious dangers of a medical, physical, psychological and social nature that human cloning may imply for the individuals involved, and alarmed that it may cause exploitation of women;

Recalling its resolution 56/93 of 12 December 2001, by which it decided to establish an Ad Hoc Committee, open to all States Members of the United Nations or members of specialized agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency,

Determined to prevent as a matter of urgency such an attack on the human dignity of the individual,

  1. Requests the Ad Hoc Committee to be reconvened from ______ to _____ 2005 in order to prepare, as a matter of urgency, the draft text of an international convention against human cloning, bearing in mind that it will not prohibit the use of nuclear transfer or other cloning techniques to produce DNA molecules, organs, plants, tissues, cells other than human embryos or animals other than humans, and recommends that the work continue during the sixtieth session of the General Assembly from _______ to _______ 2005 within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee;
  2. Also requests the Ad Hoc Committee, to consider, in developing the draft convention, the proposals put forward during the 58th session of the General Assembly;
  3. Urges States to prohibit any research, experiment, development or application in their territories or areas under their jurisdiction or control of any technique aimed at human cloning, pending the adoption of an international convention against human cloning;
  4. Calls upon States to adopt such measures as may be necessary to prohibit those techniques of genetic engineering that may have adverse consequences on the respect for human dignity;
  5. Strongly encourages States and other entities to direct funds, which might have been used for human cloning technologies, to pressing global issues in developing countries such as famine, desertification, infant mortality and diseases including HIV/AIDS.
  6. Requests the Secretary-General to provide the Ad Hoc Committee with the necessary facilities for the performance of its work;
  7. Invites the Ad Hoc Committee to take into consideration the contributions of United Nations agencies and competent international organizations in the process of negotiations;
  8. Requests the Ad Hoc Committee to report on its work to the General Assembly at its sixtieth session;
  9. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixtieth session an item entitled “International convention against human cloning”.
Itinerarium , , , , , ,

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